Thank you for choosing Transfluent’s translation services! This article contains detailed instructions for ordering translations at XTRF, our translation management system. Your customer account is activated only through our sales team. Please login to have access to the Customer portal.
Ordering methods
You can make orders in one of two ways, both available in the top right-hand corner of the view (see picture):
- Request a Quote -> If you choose this option, you will receive a quote to check before work will begin to translate the content.
- Launch a Project -> No separate quote will be sent to you. The project is launched right away, and will be started more quickly. You can estimate the price of the translation by the number of words in the source text. This will be shown to you on the File statistics page as the process goes on. However, the word count does not take into account any memory matches, that is, parts that have already been translated in earlier texts.
The following process is the same, regardless of which option you choose, until you are either ready to order or request a quote.
See the next section on how to fill in the order form, and the description of each field.
Order form
Fields on the order page (all fields are mandatory)
- Project name: Give your translation order a unique name to separate the document or project from others.
- Reference number: Enter here the cost centre or reference.
- Service: As a rule, select Transfluent Pro as the service level. Other services are activated only through our sales team.
Transfluent also offers tailored game localisation and transcreation services, in which the translation is modified more extensively than in a regular translation process, based on the requirements of the target culture and project, or on the basis of the customer’s needs. If you want more information about our services or want to order a translation of the type described above, please contact us at so that we can determine your needs and together choose a service that best suits your needs.
- Specialisation: Select a specialisation area that best describes your document.
- Source language: Choose the language that your source file is in.
If you order translations from Chinese or Portuguese source text documents, you must, exceptionally, select the geographic variant. For example, for a Portuguese source text, you must one of these two:
- PT-BR/Portuguese (Brazilian Portuguese)
- PT-PT/Portuguese (European Portuguese)
The same applies to Chinese variants, of which there are three:
- ZH-CN / Simplified Chinese (Mandarin Chinese)
- ZH-HK / Chinese (Hong Kong)
- ZH-TW / Chinese (Taiwan)
Of the Norwegian variants, we have only activated ‘bokmål’, which is more commonly used in business contexts.
- Target language(s): Select one or more target languages for your document.
So, if you want to have a translation into English, you must select one of the following variants:
- English - United Kingdom
- English - United States
- English - Canada
It is not an irreversible error if you select the wrong target language variant, but as a result, the system may not find all existing translation memory matches, which in turn can make the translation more expensive.
Not all target languages have different variants even though one might be available elsewhere. If that is the case, the only alternative is given.
- Requested deadline: Click on Requested deadline to request a realistic deadline. Even if you wish to have the translation ready on the same day, we cannot guarantee this. The minimum production time is 24 hours even for small jobs.
- Go to the next page by clicking on Source files.
- Upload the file to be translated into the system either by dragging onto the white background of the order window or by clicking on Choose files to upload and selecting the file on your local storage device.
You can also type or place the material to be translated into the tool by clicking on Add text from clipboard. Then click on the empty, white part of the order window. Type the content to be translated into the field or paste text from the clipboard into the tool by selecting Paste in the Edit menu. Then click the Add text button, and the text you entered will be added as the content of your order. - Reference materials: see the blue text that reads Add reference materials at the bottom of the window. Use this to add reference material into the system to help the translator and improve the quality of the translation. Adding reference material into the order does not affect the pricing of the translation.
Then click File statistics to view the order's details on word count.
- Under Source files statistics, you can see the total number of words in the project. However, this does not take into account translation memory matches, that is, parts of the texts that have been translated previously.
- When you click on Summary, you get to the final page of the offer request.
On this page, you can add yourself as the recipient of the translation under Contact persons, as shown in menu picture.
- You can also give instructions to Transfluent project managers or translators under Notes on the Summary You can include a message by clicking on the white field on the page.
- When you click on Request quote, the offer request will be transferred to be analysed by the system.
If you selected Launch a Project as the ordering method, you will not receive a separate price estimate. Instead the order costs will be updated in the project section of your customer account once the offer is ready.
Once the order form has been sent, the process continues as follows:
- You will first receive a message confirming that we have received the material.
- After this you will also receive an offer in your email (this may take a while).
- The offer in the email contains two links, both pointing to the same page. The price of the translation is shown under Amount.
- You can either accept or reject the offer on this page. Once accepted, an offer immediately becomes an order and is sent to be translated.
Congratulations! The order has now been completed, the text has been sent to a translator, and soon you will have your translation.
Minimum price
We charge a minimum price EUR/USD 10.00 for any individual task or file. The minimum price is charged for each order and for each language pair. For example, three files is considered to be a single order only if all of them have the same language pair.
Payment method
At the moment, the system has two payment methods: credits paid in advance or monthly invoicing. If your account is not yet setup for payments, contact us at